A partnership between the Franciscan Study Center at Tilburg University, NL and the Franciscan Institute at Saint Bonaventure University, NY
My Favourite Mystic: Angela of Foligno
Krijn Pansters   |   October 27, 2021

AJ Langley speaks with scholars about their favourite mystic, why they love mysticism as a subject, and the weird and wonderful world of mystical experiences.

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Franciscan Pride in One of the World’s Greatest Spirits
Krijn Pansters   |   October 21, 2021
Church | Spirituality

Franciscans have every reason to claim Dante as a fellow traveler because the poet drank deeply from the Franciscan spring.

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God’s Humility
Krijn Pansters   |   October 20, 2021

Daniele Garota was instrumental to genesis of organic agriculture in Italy and its corresponding way of life, integral ecology.

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Inside the Mind of a Medieval Friar
Krijn Pansters   |   October 15, 2021

As a Franciscan friar and probably inspired by the Rule he heard daily, Scotus was imbued with a spirit of humility in the face of ecclesiastical authority.

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The Lay Saint
Krijn Pansters   |   October 14, 2021
Church | Society | Spirituality

This book investigates the phenomenon of saintly cults that formed around pious merchants, artisans, midwives, domestic servants, and others in the medieval communes of Italy.

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