The aim of this conference is to explore the riches and diversity of the Franciscan tradition in both theological and historical terms, and its significance for the world today.
The Franciscan Institute will be holding a conference next summer: “Qui primus legit: Studies in Sentence Commentaries on the Eighth Centenary of Alexander of Hales’s Lectures.”
The book explores how Francis – along with his earliest brothers – embraced a life of poverty, in solidarity with the lowest ranks of society, preaching a message of justice and dignity for all.
This conference welcomes session and paper proposals highlighting the genre of the Sentence commentary as a key locus for the handing on (tradere) of theological tradition and debate.
This free mini-course, held over three Saturdays, provided Secular Franciscans with a faithful and contemporary view of Jesus, as He is presented in the Letters of Paul and the Synoptic Gospels.