Christian Spirituality as a Pathway for the Modern Seeker: Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality International Conference, July 5-7 2023
In many societies, Christian spirituality is not seen as the go-to for those seeking a spiritual path in the contemporary context. The blessings, insights and liberating possibilities of a spirituality grounded in the revelation of Jesus and the phenomena of the Spirit are not always easy to access or explore in meaningful ways for those not religiously enculturated. Such treasures are often buried under layers of unfamiliar ritual, liturgy and/or inflexible and unpalatable dogma. In other ways, the still, small, and liberating voice of Spirit is drowned out by the strident public proposition of theological certainty, leaving scant room for mystery, dialogue, and the contextualisation of a living word.
Moreover, we live in a world that is increasingly shaped by complex and intertwined forces – from environmental change, political upheaval, psychological pressure to endemic effects: the cry for one to be ‘seen’ in this moment is louder than ever. So then, is the need for a spirituality that can help one navigate, and be recognised in, the challenges of our time.
This conference is curious about an alternative way, and seeks to explore and champion a Christian spirituality that responds to our time. What does it sound like when Christian spirituality becomes conversational, rather than didactic? Where is the expression of Christian spirituality being recognised as profoundly hopeful, transformative and relevant to everyday people from all walks of life? Is there a Christian wisdom that can speak to spiritual seekers today? Do we have a language for conveying the Christ-centred spiritual life to modern-day seekers in ways that are person-centred, experience-based, and discovery-led? What are the public access points to meaningful exploration of spirit and how do they function? What is already happening now in these spaces? What might we envisage for the future? How might we discern the way forward, so that Christian spirituality can be seen to speak to an increasingly complex and challenged world?
More information and registration here.