Brother Richard OFM Cap., Still Points: A Guide to Living the Mindful, Meditative Way (Hachette Books 2022).
In a changing and uncertain world, we all seek a sense of security, inner peace, happiness and belonging. In Still Points: A Guide to Living the Mindful Meditative Way, Brother Richard shows us how, by following a daily spiritual practice of 'still points', we can discover a deeper sense of meaning and unconditional love in the world around us, allowing us to live happier and more authentic lives. Through moments of meditation, poems and reflections, along with his own story of spirituality, Brother Richard takes us through the fifty-two weeks of the year and a journey through Christian meditation and touchstones, and explains how we can all live our lives held by love, and with peace in our hearts.
Brother Richard is a Capuchin Franciscan priest-friar living and working in Ireland. His poem 'Lockdown' went viral in the early months of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 and was translated into 26 languages and shared widely on traditional and social media throughout the world. Currently based in Dublin, Brother Richard teaches Christian meditation and mindfulness with the Sanctuary Spirituality Centre in inner city Dublin.
Order the book here.